Our projects

Our company is focusing more on agriculture and manufacturing industry, and has established a basic database. Research and analysis are about 70 percent of the work done by our organization.

Research & Analysis

Consulting service

Training & Coaching

Data management

Brand research


Project name Year Client Location Description Type Sector
wdt_ID Project name Year Client Location Description Type Sector
1 1 Customer research on the “Amar” Mobile Banking Service: Phase I 2010 Khas Bank Ulaanbaatar, Uvurkhangai, Khentii The aim of the customer marketing research on the “Amar” service, a mobile banking service of Khas Bank, was to understand the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of customers on mobile banking service; identify target groups of customers, identify awareness level and loyalty level to the “Amar” services and that of its competitors; and, having defined potential customers and market opportunities, recommend appropriate strategies to improve and expand the service. The Phase I & Phase II marketing research projects were conducted by IRIM in 2010 and 2012 respectively. The client, Khas bank, decided to initiate a follow-up research project called “Customer Satisfaction Research on the ‘Amar’ Mobile Banking Service, Phase III”. While the initial research focused solely on current active and inactive customers of the “Amar” service, Phase III research project not only compared the results of the two previous data collections, but also expanded its focus by including households and customers using any banking services. Research Banking and finance
2 2 Customer research on the “Amar” Mobile Banking Service: Phase II 2012 Khas Bank Ulaanbaatar, Uvurkhangai, Khentii The aim of the customer marketing research on the “Amar” service, a mobile banking service of Khas Bank, was to understand the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of customers on mobile banking service; identify target groups of customers, identify awareness level and loyalty level to the “Amar” services and that of its competitors; and, having defined potential customers and market opportunities, recommend appropriate strategies to improve and expand the service. The Phase I & Phase II marketing research projects were conducted by IRIM in 2010 and 2012 respectively. The client, Khas bank, decided to initiate a follow-up research project called “Customer Satisfaction Research on the ‘Amar’ Mobile Banking Service, Phase III”. While the initial research focused solely on current active and inactive customers of the “Amar” service, Phase III research project not only compared the results of the two previous data collections, but also expanded its focus by including households and customers using any banking services. Research Banking and finance
3 3 Marketing Research on Adult Smokers in Central Asia 2012 MAMC LLC, Uzbekistan Ulaanbaatar The main goal of the study was to develop a data base for the client and research Central Asian smokers’ usage and buying habbits. Research Trade
4 4 Household income and expenditure research for “Amar” mobile services: Phase III 2012 Khas Bank Ulaanbaatar, Uvurkhangai, Khentii 1. In order to define oppurtunities for broadening the “Amar” mobile service’s current range of services, this study was designed to discover constumer conditions and habbits in the banking services market. According to these goals, the following research were commissioned: ’ Income and expenditure levels and structure of customers in banking sector were identified. 2. Channels for transferring income and expenditures among banking service for customers were defined 3. D Khas Bank’s main services’ market share in customer market of banking sector was determined 4. “Amar” and other electronic banking services’ share in electronic banking services’market were determined Research Banking and finance
5 5 Financial Management and Policy Training 2010 Asian Foundation Ulaanbaatar 1. This project was initiated by the city mayor and supported by the Asian Foundation with the goal of facilitating a financial management and policy training involving the executive administration’s financial professionals and advisors and 35 officials in order to improve city budgeting and supervisor evaluations. Training Banking and finance
6 6 Business Plan Development for UB Buyan LLC 2010-2014 2009 Ulaanbaatar Buyan LLC Ulaanbaatar The project’s main goal was to develop a business plan for UB Buyan LLC for 2011-2014 and advance the following goals: ● Define an organizational growth strategy by researching foreign and domestic environments ● Define a marketing mix policy and marketing strategy by researchering customers and competitors ● Develope a plan to define future financial and human resource trends by conducting internal assessments. Consulting services Business
7 7 Public Assumptions on Inflation Survey 2008 Mongol Bank Ulaanbaatar, Tuv The goal was to assess public expectations about inflation, the world economic recession and its negative influence on Mongolia’s economy. Training Economy
8 8 “Research on Multiple Mobile Operator Users and Customer Behaviour” (Phase 1) 2012 Mobicom Corporation LLC Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan-Uul, Orkhon, Bayankhongor, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Umnugovi, Khentii The primary aim was to conduct nationwide marketing research in order to understand the behavior of customers who use multiple mobile operators and to propose marketing policy and strategies to increase market shares of this and other segments. The following objectives were outlined: 1. Determine Mobicom’s market share among all service providers; 2. Determine market share among multiple mobile service operator customers; 3. Determine reasons for multiple service operator usage; 4. Study competitor services and market shares and compare customer satisfaction; 5. Prepare marketing mix tools to maintain and expand market share. Research Communication
9 9 Mobile Operators Market Research in Uvurkhangai and Khuvsgul aimags (Phase 2) 2013 Mobicom Corporation LLC Khuvsgul, Uvurkhangai Based on satisfaction with MIRIM’s services in ‘Phase 1’ and a continued need to assess markets, Mobicom and MIRIM developed and conducted more targeted and qualitative customer research in order to assess underlying customer trends and factors in all segmentations of specially chosen regions. MIRIM prepared research results that would elaborate insights on how to reverse negative trends and secure larger market shares. Research Communication
10 10 Behavioral study of small and medium scale businesses 2013 Khas Bank Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan-Uul, Orkhon, Bayankhongor, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Umnugovi, Khentii This research was designed to define behaviours of active small and medium businesses in Ulaanbaatar and countryside communities and to segment the market in order to consult the client. Based on these results, important marketing decisions were made regarding the implementation of customer segment management, etc. According to this main objective, the following goals were elaborated: ● Describe the characteristics of various SME sectors ● Describe in detail the main characteristic activities, property affiliations and types of SMEs. ● Describe the behaviours of SME enterprises ● Identify strong influences on SME activities ● Define SME needs and usage of bank products in connection to business lifecycles ● Define individual needs of SMEs ● Determine share of wallet from SME clients for each bank Research Banking and finance