Consultancy services for long-term local business development to support the growth of Umnugobi Province have started.
MIRIM Consultant LLC and IRIM, funded by Oyu Tolgoi LLC, have begun collaborating to provide…
We offer research, consulting service approaches optimized to clients’ wants and needs, work closely with the clients from start to finish in every step of the research process. We have provided research, consulting services to 80+ clients, and partnered with 10+ organizations.
МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК нь бидний хэрэглэгчтэй харилцах шатанд гаргаж буй алдаа дутагдал, ололт амжилтыг мэргэжлийн өндөр түвшинд тодорхойлон гаргаж, цаашид сайжруулахад чиглэсэн хэрэгжүүлэх боломжтой бодит зөвлөмжүүдийг санал болгосныг үйл ажиллагаандаа тусган ажиллаж байна.
MIRIM successfully conducted both surveys. It demonstrated its full capacity to effectively organize the social surveys, conduct field interviews, and analyze data from the interviews. Therefore I am pleased to confirm that MIRIM has sufficient experience, coordination and human resources in undertaking social surveys.
МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК нь хөтөлбөр төслийн судалгааг олон улсын стандартаар хийх чадавхтай мэргэжлийн байгууллага болохыг бүрэн тодорхойлж байна.
МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК нь гэрээгээр хүлээсэн үүргээ цаг тухайд нь, чанарын өндөр түвшинд хийж гүйцэтгэх боловсон хүчинтэй, зөвлөхүүд нь мэргэжлийн өндөр ур чадвартай, төрөл бүрийн хэрэгцээ шаардлагад нийцүүлэн ажиллах төрөл бүрийн чиглэлийн мэргэжлийн баг бүрдүүлэн ажиллах чадвар, арга зүйтэй байгууллага юм.
MIRIM Consultant LLC was able to provide high quality services and meet our contractual demands and standards in a timely and professional manner. As such I am pleased to confirm that MIRIM Consultant LLC is a professional organization that has the capacity to implement marketing, economic strategy and planning surveys.
МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК нь маркетинг, зах зээлийн судалгааг олон улсын стандартын дагуу гүйцэтгэх, зөвлөгөө өгөх чадавхтай мэргэжлийн байгууллага мөн болохыг бүрэн тодорхойлж байна.
MIRIM consultant LLC was able to provide the good quality services that meet the contractual demands and standards in a timely and professional manner.
МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК-ийн зөвлөхүүд нь гэрээгээр хүлээсэн үүргээ цаг тухайд нь амжилттай биелүүлж, стандартын шаардлага хангасан, чанартай тайланг бэлтгэж ирүүлсэн. МИРИМ Консалтант ХХК нь цаашид энэ чиглэлийн зөвлөх үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх, сургалт зохион байгуулах хангалттай чадавхи, нөөц бололцоо бүхий байгууллага болохыг үүгээр тодорхойлж байна.
MIRIM consultant LLC was able to provide quality service meeting our contractual demands and standards in a timely and professional manner. As such, I am pleased to confirm that MIRIM Consultant LLC is professional organizations that have the capacity to implement marketing and concept test surveys with respondents of various nationalities.
MIRIM Consultant LLC consulting team demonstrated current market situation and our demands and delivered its services in a very professional and earlier than contractual period. The MIRIM team was always of great help in all working situations and showed high quality results at the end of the project. Therefore we are pleased to confirm that MIRIM has sufficient experience, coordination and would be a able to change and learn fast in order to achieve the best possible results, I have no hesitation in recommending them highly.
MIRIM Consultant LLC and IRIM, funded by Oyu Tolgoi LLC, have begun collaborating to provide…
Our organization has successfully conducted a customer satisfaction survey on international and Chinese brands of…
Commissioned by Geres INGO, MIRIM Consultant LLC is conducting Baseline and Gap Analysis in Darkhan-Uul…
MIRIM Consultant LLC, at the request of Monos Trade LLC, has completed a comprehensive study…
MIRIM Consultant LLC is providing consulting services on the “Development of draft legislation to improve…
At the request of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI) and the…