Final External Project Evaluation of “En-gendering rural economic development in Mongolia” has begun

The principle of “leaving no one behind” is universally acknowledged as the critical importance of achieving gender equality or creating an environment in which everyone, including boys and girls, men and women, can enjoy equal opportunities, participation, and the benefits of development. Within this framework, the “Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières” international organization based in the Republic of France implemented the project “En-gendering rural economic development in Mongolia” from 2019 to 2023.
The project aims to strengthen the role of rural women’s groups in the agricultural production system and contribute to the empowerment of women as agents of development and change in Mongolia’s policy-making process aimed at local and national representatives. Within this context, activities such as organizing gender awareness training for herders, vegetable farmers, local council members, and civil servants in Arkhangai, Khentii provinces, and Ulaanbaatar city, and supporting women who are interested in operating in sustainable cashmere and vegetable fields ended in March 2023.
Our organization is working to implement the final evaluation of the project “En-gendering rural economic development in Mongolia” between April and July 2023. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess whether the work of ensuring the equal participation of gender in the agricultural sector is bringing about changes in households and communities and whether there is a need to support such initiatives in the future and to identify successful methods. As part of the evaluation, Khentii, Arkhangai, and Ulaanbaatar cities will be selected from the localities participating in the project, and data will be collected through questionnaires and interviews.
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